Reskilling and Upskilling

As we understand the pulse of Industries and market, it is evident that we prepare the candidates so that they not only fit into the role they are being offered but also work for longer duration in the same organization.
As 80% of the candidates being placed by us are just college pass out or inexperienced. we have a separate Training Department which help them enter the industry as professional. The shortlisted candidates undergo an extensive 15- 3o days of training so that they are better equipped professional before entering the Industry and give their best. 
The training program is customized according to the Industry, however, the generic training Module covers all aspects of the work they are being offered.
Training Overview
    Introduction of Industry and Job role
    Company Profile and working
    Company’s Policies
    Industry’s Production Department’s Overview and its working
    Technical Aspect of the Job-role
    Safety, Heath & SHE Policy 
    5S & ESD 
    Knowledge of EPFO, ESI and Labour Laws
    Life Skills like teamwork, effective communication, work life balance and 
    Career Progression